CONCEPT : Love for soccer is the most significant collective expression of a unified national identity and the number one link between Nike and Brazil is "futebal". This sounds easy, but what if the theme should not be too obvious? Forget Pelé, Ronaldo, Ronaldinhp. Forget yellow with green shirts. Let's take a different approach. Let's think about the fact that soccer in Brazil is mostly played in the street or on the beach (streetstyle). Let's think about the fact that Brazil (exciting, fun), mix them all together and have a ball!
Disciplines: Print, Video, Online & Packaging

Rubberband, hardboard and semi transparant sheet (85gr).
We focused mainly on two recycled materials: cardboard and rubber (Brazil principal export!). These materials are screenprinted, stamped, painted and lasered.

The main focus of the invitation is on re-usable materials in a stylish way, whilst using as little printing-ink as possible. Instead lasering, stamping and (hand)painting is applied, and some unavoidable screen and offset printing.
SIZE: 120 mm x 120 mm.

After the rubbers were released from the invitation, there are 3 printed rubber bands that could be wear around the wrist to the event.
Technique: Stamp in color blue, yellow and green.